INSOMNIA ( Sleeplessness)
1. Kali Phos –Stress/Worries
- sleeplessness - esp at 2nd half of night
- due to stress and worries
- due to night terrors
2. Coffea Cruda – Constant Thoughts
- insomnia from constant thoughts in mind
- early waking from sleep with difficulty to fall asleep again (usually around 3.00 am)- 2nd half of night
- disturbed sleep from excessive dreams, vivid
3. Ignatia Amara – Grief, Depression
- insomnia from grief, depression
- Sadness, weeping, brooding
- desire to be alone, tearfulness
- thinking about the past.
4. Arsenic Album –Anxiety
- anxiety about health, future and family
- anxiety with, extreme restlessness
- sleeplessness till 3 am, afterwards a disturbed sleep and dream
- Very difficult to fall asleep again.
5. Passiflora Incarnata –Elderly People
- Mental worries present with insomnia
- person remains wakeful and restless at night
Homoeopathy medicines are given by analyzing the individual. Homeopathy treats the problem internally, by analysing the causes and symptoms of the person. .
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